AnAppetiteforGod-Cover5-2Dr. Linda Jeffrey’s An Appetite for God, is a 40-day workbook for becoming fit to serve. The information and guidance promises to transform you with easy meal plans, recipes, and  grocery shopping lists. By applying Scriptural principles and current research revealed from God’s creation, Linda guides you daily on how to surrender your food appetites to God, and to change destructive ways of using food for comfort while learning to make choices for clean fuel for your mind and body.  This workbook is designed for small groups, pastors, leaders and others looking to preserve and/or regain their health, as well as the health of their families and churches now dependent upon the globalized and industrialized food system. Find motivation for permanent lifestyle changes as you meditate on God’s plan for our appetites, and discover simple ways to return to true nourishment for the body, soul and spirit.

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