Posted by on Jul 21, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

In Psalm 37, David declares a principle that makes the disciplines of the Christian life a joy.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”

It is important to note that God does not take away our desires and replace them with His.  He wants people whom He calls His friends (John 15:15) to bring to Him their desires.  Friends are delighted in sharing life and dreams, in making time, and setting priorities to benefit both.  Friendship is not one sided.  God calls me to dream and to want.  As long as my delight is in Him, I will long for what pleases Him.  I want to find God’s plan and have the energy to participate.  I want to join an army of 80-year-olds changing their world through their service to God’s kingdom.  I want my soul and my body to prosper together in health.  These are heart desires that I think about, and talk to my friend God about.  It is delightful to converse with One who has the authority and power to bring heaven to earth.  It is pure pleasure to envision a future full of the goodness and mercy that follows me every day of my life.  My desire is to give the gift of hope to people who have given up on health. I’m talking to God about my desire. Everyone desires in his heart to be healthy.  Join me in delighting in the Lord.  Tell Him about your greatest longings.  “He gives power to the faint, and to them that have no might, He increases strength” Isaiah 40:29.  I have found this great promise to be true in my life, and what He has done for me, He will do for you.

Learn how the food system has changed, and how you can please God with a healthy body nurtured with whole foods.  As you read An Appetite for God, leave us your comments and thoughts.